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August 30th, 2013 at 2:24pm

Five Keys Points for Real Estate Investing

Market factors have converged to create a strong environment for real estate investing in the Indianapolis area. The current market of low home prices combined with low interest rates make this the best time in years to consider real estate as an investment. The experts seem to agree and if you want them to advice you on other profitable and secure investments, check with the best gold IRA companies.

The property companies with turnkey investments, have compiled this quick list of Five Key Points to remember when considering real estate investing.

1) Know your comfort levels.

Think about the role you are interested in playing. Do you want to become a landlord, or would you rather rehab and resell properties? Collecting rent and paying off mortgages can be a powerful way to build wealth with someone else’s money. However, some investors are not patient with earning their investment back over a longer term. The flip side – other investors do not wish to be hassled by tenants, you can look for corporate venue hire sydney.

2) Admit what you know and what you don’t know.

Even the most avid real estate investors work with brokers. First-time investors should definitely work with a real-estate agent experienced in investment property deals.  You can Check these home listings on to help in your hunt/ These industry experts can help to locate the most promising properties when it comes to price, condition, location and terms. Look for the type of broker with which you can build a relationship. You want the type of professional who expects to do business with you on a recurring basis. These are the real estate experts who will be much more careful with what properties they recommend.

3) Avoid Wholesalers.

Stay away from the middlemen of the real estate industry says a top-rated real estate agent in Ontario. Steer clear of wholesalers who buy homes on the open market, rehab them, and then simply resell them to uneducated investors with large mark-ups. With the services we offer at Complete RES, we help clients to cut out the middle man and acquire properties at “below market” prices. We always recommend using Licensed General Contractors for the home rehab. Then, we help you to rent or resell the property – and, you get to keep the profits.

4) Pick the right location.

If you buy a property with hopes of renting it out, picking the right location is key. Look for custom built homes with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms in neighborhoods that have a low crime rate. Choose neighborhoods and new home communities that will support the rent you need to generate and stay in the more highly populated areas. Stay away from rural areas where there are fewer people and a small pool of potential renters. If renters have kids, they will gravitate toward good school districts. Consider other potential selling points for your property. You may have the home remodeled, or you may consider having minor upgrades or maintenance like a garage door repair through sites like or roof replacement such as the ones found at Is it near public transportation, shopping malls or other popular amenities? If it will attract renters it will also attract potential buyers if you decide to sell later.

5) Build a supporting cast.

You cannot do this all by yourself. Find an experienced Association Management Company – preferably one that offers Real Estate and Construction Services, for instance, For landlords, having one team of diverse professionals servicing your investment needs makes things easier to handle. It can allow for smooth transitions for maintenance and tenant issues – and, can seamlessly offer your property for sale when the phase of your investment focus shifts.

August 2nd, 2013 at 3:21pm

We can help with Home Mortgages

Technology is really an amazing tool to help us accomplish more each day. In our business, it can often compress the timelines it takes to accomplish tasks that might otherwise be long and drawn-out processes – like applying for home mortgages and DSCR Loans. One of these tools we don’t talk about nearly enough here at Complete Real Estate Solutions, LLC is a link on our Facebook page to “Mortgage PreFlight” – a great tool to aid in planning for home mortgages, but if you want to consult with someone first then you should look for an expert mortgage broker.

This system is a safe and totally encrypted on-line method to access pre-authorizations for credit data and applications for home mortgages. You can click reference if you want to sell your house quickly and at great offers. It can really accelerate the application process as it gives users and lenders both a way to exchange. If you’re having trouble financing your home, sites such as VT markets France are of utter importance.

Here at Complete Real Estate Solutions, as suggested by the lawyers for estate planning, we are experiencing a “heating-up” of the Indianapolis area Real Estate Market and the demand for Home Mortgages. We think this tool allows potential buyers to assume a position of bargaining strength a lot quicker and earlier in the buying process. Regardless of timing, knowing the availability of suitable home mortgages and discussing them with the Marietta attorney for estate planning is a great first step toward accessing what size and type of home our clients can reasonably afford.

If you are looking to buy or even thinking that you might want to test the market, this tool can provide a real-time, direct and secure conduit to mortgage professionals – and, within seconds, your data can be in the hands of decision makers for immediate review, response and processing.

The Mortgage Preflight system utilizes bank-level security including 128-bit SSL encryption. The system’s authentication process verifies your identity before your Preflight transaction is processed. Mortgage Preflight is designed, operated and maintained by Credit Technologies, Inc. and works closely with all three major credit repositories (Experian, Trans Union and Equifax) to accurately access creditworthiness.

We would welcome the chance to walk all potential home-buyers through this process and help to explain and understand how these precise credit scores are calculated. They are the primary determining factors lenders use to determine your instant cash loan eligibility and terms. And if you need loan modifications, you may consult professional money lenders.

If you have more questions about home mortgages or the buying or application process, call a member of our team here at Complete Real Estate Solutions, LLC at 317.885.5099. And you can find out more about Mortgage PreFlight here or at the website.